I would be willing to bet a huge sum of money, even if I had a huge sum of money, on the fact that if this were a perfect country, a real Utopia, where peace, love, and harmony reigned, there would still be some screaming do-gooders wailing about being misunderstood or malcontent…or worse yet, God forbid, offended.
We have come as a nation, full circle from what the forefathers had in mind for our country. I’m sick and tired of the same old crowd trying to convince me that “that was hundreds of years ago and this is a new age.” Yep, it’s a new age for sure. An age without morals, conscience, and responsibility. It’s a gimme-gimme world these days. Let’s take a little tour and see how things have changed in such a short period and changed drastically.
Public Schools: textbooks have been re-written, history revised to suit the needs of those who can’t deal with the truth, and kids are not allowed to be kids anymore. We have weapons on campus, felons in the classrooms, both as teachers and students, and alternative lifestyles being taught, you can’t say God in school, but you can say God’s name if you happen to use His name to swear. You can’t read a Bible, but lyrics to gangsta rap are okay. You cannot wear offensive T-shirts bearing any symbolism of Christianity on campus, lest those who disagree would be offended. Before we go on here, I wish to clarify something upfront. As always, I write opinion and not the Gospel. That has been covered by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. However, I believe that what these four guys wrote is the absolute truth. Yes, I believe many things are absolute, and the Bible is one of them. Many people have an opposite opinion, however, just because the opposition does not believe, does not make it untrue. Their unbelief does not render something unreal!
Also, within the Public School system, we have noticed many words and phrases rendered unacceptable, because someone’s feelings would be hurt. The silliest thing I’ve read is the reference to Adam and Eve, appearing that Adam dominates Eve by his name appearing first. What a crock. Did God take a rib from Eve to create Adam? Nope, and because his name appears first doesn’t make him any more special or dominating. 99% of what I write wouldn’t be accepted material in schools because it’s 100% un-PC. A select group of people, the elites, if you will, have taken over a system that was implemented centuries ago and has ruined it inside and out. They have not just changed it, they have utterly destroyed it.
I can understand why more families are turning to home-schooling their kids. Having seen firsthand what our present public education system is doing, I’m upset that the government keeps pouring more money into the system that is tearing the country apart. On top of that, when they move on to the college level, life begins anew with PC/BS 101.
Same-Sex Marriages: in Canada, it is now legal to have same-sex marriages. And in this country, we have people like Barney Frank and Hillary Clinton pushing for legislation that would allow benefits to federal employees who may have a “significant other”, married or not. How special! Laws have been enacted in California regarding transvestites, but of course, they are “correctly” identified now as “transgendered”. Look that one up! With all these special interest groups springing up, there is no such thing as normalcy anymore. These special groups are only manifestations of smaller groups that expand and create a new group, that creates a new group, and so on. The average heterosexual people these days have lost more than they have gained, all in the name of diversity. It’s a fine line these days between diverse and perverse!
The sad part about all this is that it’s our fault. We, as voters and citizens, have allowed so many things to happen, with the mindset that “someone will take care of it”. That someone is us, but is it too late? Who knows? Who will test the waters to see? Who will take the stand? It’s been seen that even the words “In God We Trust” is a no-no anymore, and so is God Bless America. Publicly, anything goes, unless it pertains to God or Christianity. Prayer is not allowed at sporting events now because someone may be offended, but it’s okay to have to sit near a bunch of drunks who spend the entire game cursing the referees or coaches. What will we do, America? Will we fight back, or continue to roll over and allow things to become worse? Who will stand, lest we all fall?