Isn’t it strange that a man who has been a Rhodes Scholar, a man who is said to have a photographic memory, a man who is said to be one of the most brilliant men to occupy the White House, is dumber than a can of rocks? Yes, I’m talking about Bill Clinton. Everyone knows that the Slickster was a Rhodes Scholar, and being a Rhodes Scholar does imply a slight degree of intelligence. However, looking back at some of the things he has said, done, and alluded to, makes one wonder! Let’s look back, into the year 1998 and find a few of these things that portray the Prez as a Class-A wanna-be.
First of all, in January 1998, Clinton denied having a sexual relationship with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky. Then he said he had never told or encouraged anyone to lie…never, not one time. Seven months later, we see that he indeed had an improper sexual relationship with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky, regardless of what his meaning of “is” is. And about the lying part, ask Dick Morris what Clinton’s strategy was regarding the truth. Winning was the most important thing to Bill Clinton. The truth works only if it is beneficial in some way to himself. Bill Clinton, when mentioned as a Rhodes Scholar, is the most laughable description ever. As mentioned at the beginning of this article about his memory and intelligence, it is amazing what this man “cannot recall”. Also, it is amazing that he doesn’t understand what the words “is” and “alone” actually mean. Come on Bill, even a first grader knows this stuff.
I’m sorry to report, that Americans aren’t as dumb as Washington thinks. Most of us know the meaning of those two words. And most of us know that Bill Clinton has not and will not tell the truth. It is a sad commentary for our country, when amid a “so-called” war, that it is just as easy for America to believe our enemies as it is to believe our leader. I know many say that character doesn’t count. Of course, it doesn’t, because the man has no character, so that’s pretty much a wash. Polls say that 70+ percent are behind Clinton, but that’s only 500 or so people polled via telephone, and chosen by the pollsters. Check out the Internet Polls and the numbers from 30+ thousand, and see the real opinion.
No matter how this impeachment deal turns out, everyone who has an IQ higher than a Pet Rock knows that Bill Clinton is a liar, a perjurer, an obstructionist, and a traitor..that’s what he is. Now, do you know what the meaning of “is” is?
Remember, a man who is out of control cannot lead the country. This man should resign and become a veterinarian. After all, his strong suit is wagging the dog!