It’s not every day here in the home state of Senator John Edwards that we’re showered with his BS…it only seems like it. Once again we hear that he is much different than that other Southerner, Senator Trent Lott. Well, gag me with a 10-carat spoon. That’s the truth, for sure. We don’t have to put up with Lott…unfortunately, Edwards is our cross to bear.
The bright spot is no one around here thinks he will do well at all in his bid for the White House, and also, we wish him worse luck than that if he considers another run for his Senate seat.
In one of Edwards’ quotes, he states: “You and I must show America that the Old South of Trent Lott and Strom Thurmond is in the past, and the New South can produce true leaders who can unite and not divide.” Yeah, buddy. Sends “visions of Jimmy Carter and Ernest Hollings” dancing through my head…and throws in Robert Byrd for good measure. Speaking of a different kind of Southerner, I wonder how many trial lawyers are in this man’s pocket, as opposed to Lott? When was the last time Edwards did anything a “regular Southerner” would do, such as: tend a garden, bale hay, harvest tobacco, work a real job from sun up until sundown, and wear your fingers to the bone? I never heard of anyone having calloused and blisters from counting their money.
I remember reading somewhere that John Edwards was born in South Carolina. So what did we do to them to deserve him? Was it a deal pre-made back in the days of the War between the States? Talk about liberation, South Carolina did okay with that one, but yet, he goes back there and tells them what to do about their flag! Not only that, he’s also honoring the boycott headed by the NAACP, saying that he won’t stay in motels in South Carolina, but will be staying in the homes of friends. I wonder if these friends are more of those regular folk he is talking about. We shall see!
What upsets me most is that Senator Edwards has been anything but that. He has been more of “The Candidate Edwards” since arriving in Washington than being the Senator. What do we as North Carolinians have to show for his services? Our unemployment rates are still high, foreclosures are running rampant here, and the only thing he hasn’t taken credit for is the abundance of rain we’ve had in the past couple of months, but of course, it’s only early May!
Shortly, we will see how this new, “regular guy” running for the nomination to be the next President of the United States does. I’m betting he will neither win, place or show. Not even a second slot. A southerner? Yes, he is that. One of us? No chance, and we all thank God for that, daily.