It is quickly becoming the norm for public schools to keep parents and guardians locked out of any information related to their children’s school activities and their educational studies. So, it is no surprise to find this action going on in the state of Rhode Island. Actually, it’s called CourageousRI.
These “educators” are coaching the kids on how to become “snitches” in order to counter disinformation. From their website, the listing states that they are seeking teachers, from K4-12 to help promote “media literacy” and “the impact of the training turned to teacher interaction with students and how students could be utilized as reporting sources”.
Innocent kids will be taught to be suspicious of their parents and siblings, and other relatives. Maybe even pastors and other religious leaders, doctors, neighbors, and friends. Those who are desperate and afraid find that this fear is justifiable motivation. And it will not get any better until the parents take up the battle and engage the enemy with a higher power. Be aware, this is not a simple us vs. them battle. This is the real deal, as in not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Below is their manifesto/what we believe statement. Below it, is a video –
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For a more complete look at this organization, please go to the CourageousRI website.