Having just finished reading an article regarding the bill, AB 196, by the California Assembly, I am outraged.
First of all, let’s look at what this dolt of an assemblyman is proposing. This bill mandates that fines, up to $150,000, against business owners – including Bible bookstores and non-profit organizations such as the Boy Scouts – for refusing to hire cross-dressing and transsexual job applicants. Is it not odd that this bill particularly targets the above entities? The icing on the cake is the fact that the man/woman/it, who authored this bill, is homosexual Assemblyman Mark Leno, D-San Francisco.
Now, imagine, if you will, what would happen in any political assembly, if a Christian were to author a bill, aimed at pandering to Christians only? How would that fly? There would be trouble galore, as those on the left would come out in droves to attack any such legislation. There would be cries of partisanship and conflict of interest. So here, we have a homosexual legislator who is authoring a pro-homosexual bill that threatens all that is decent and American. Leno states that in San Francisco, studies indicate that the unemployment rate for transgender people is 70 percent and that every Californian deserves the right to a job and a home. This is true, sir or madam, but so does everyone else. Everyone is entitled to a job, based on ability, not by the mode of dress. Maybe 70% are unemployed because they have difficulty deciding what to wear to work daily.
Would there also be designated “transgendered” restrooms? How would that be handled? This is much too pathetic to be called simply a crock. Why do taxpayers continuously vote for these people in office who waste taxpayers’ money with bills such as this? We are entitled to the same things according to our rights as citizens, and not by our sexual orientation or choices, nor our method of dressing. They are giving a certain group of people “extra” rights.
I don’t think I could get used to walking down the hallway here seeing a guy dressed like a woman, and taking this individual seriously. Sure, call me prejudiced, or bigoted, but so are you, if you try to push this crap on the rest of us. You are trying to rub our noses in your way of life. Remember the old TV show MASH? The character, played by Jamie Farr, who dressed as a woman, so that he would be discharged from the services, that was TV and it was a comedy…sir, or madam Leno, this is not TV and is certainly no comedy.
I honestly believe the left now can destroy all the things taught from the beginning of creation, all that which is good. No prayer in schools, no In God We Trust, no God Bless America, no Bible Studies in school, but it’s okay to teach about the alternative lifestyle. I guess you folks are more than proving your point and lifestyle by wanting things “both ways”, but let me assure you of this. You’re in for one hell of a fight.
If you think your self-centered and twisted rights and your agenda trump the ordinary rights of hard-working Americans, then you’re just a catfight waiting to happen. Until then, paint up your lips, curl your tinted hair, and dress for the big event. Our day is coming as well. Just watch and see.