Well, we see that the folks at the Pentagon have it all figured out. They will set up a watchdog group over us…the good citizens of the USA, while the powers that be allow the borders to remain open and try to convince us that Islam is still a religion of peace.
What chaps my keister is the fact that OBL can get air time, and spout his hated-filled 7 bows to the East and praise Allah, while the citizens here in America have been silenced in regards to anything religious. We can’t pray in public, schools, or at sporting events, but yet, these people who adhere to this religion of peace can get free TV time to do anything they care to do, and yet, we are the people who are being watched. Gee, there’s something wrong with this picture.
We are constantly being told that we are fighting this war against terrorism. If so, humor me then, and tell me why the brunt of it all is absorbed by the people here at home. We have the ACLU and various other idiots around who are fighting for the rights of those who wish to destroy us. We have homegrown ministers speaking out about the true colors being shown by the Islamic murderers, and yet, we are the ones being touted as fanatics. Gee, there’s something wrong with this picture as well!
Look, whiners. I stood in line this past Saturday for at least 45 minutes to vote early….on crutches, no less. Did I beg for lunch? No! Did I whine and complain? No! There was a young man behind me in line, a college student, who had made the trek homeward, just to be able to vote in this election. Did he whine? No! He was thankful for the opportunity to cast his vote. And guess what? He was prepared to vote, as he had a sample ballot in his hand, studying it as he stood in line.
The bad thing about the Florida fiasco is that the people complaining are too ignorant or lazy to do their homework. They have run the full gamut….from pregnant chads to pregnant pigs. Go figure. Why do these people seem hell-bent on being pampered, when many of them are transplants from the north country? When these folks leave their original home state to move south, the IQ of their state left behind goes up tremendously while their new places of residence decline. It’s not a hard thing to figure out.
Anyway, my suggestion to the voters of Florida would be this. Instead of all the “initiatives” now on the ballot, I would propose that Governor Bush enact the “Three Strikes and You’re Out” Law. If you cannot mark a correct ballot by at least the third try, your vote does not count. After all, some of these folks would require an hour and a half to watch 60 Minutes!
Makes sense to me. What do you think?
Go vote….at least once.