Let’s begin by stating that this group of legislators known as the Palmetto Truth Project is anything but the truth. For those who aren’t sure who those “members” of this truth project are, one can safely surmise that none of them are members of the Freedom Caucus.
South Carolina has only one issue, even though many are running for office, citing the most important issues, such as the border, judges, jobs, debt, etc. And this is all true, however, there is still one root issue that will rectify all the other issues…
Cause and Effect:
cause and effect
nounpluralcauses and effects
: the direct relationship between an action or event and its consequence or result
There was an accident, so traffic was at a standstill. The gravitational pull of the moon causes the tides of the ocean. I stuck to a training plan, so I finished my race strong. Cause and effect is a concept we all learn in grade school, and we see it play out in hundreds of circumstances every day.—Ben Gibson
Cause: Liberal legislators pick judges who will do their bidding, serving lawyers rather than victims.
Effect: Liberal policies and liberal results
Cause: Liberal waste of money and resources
Effect: Graft and greed
Cause: Lies and distorted accusations against the Freedom Caucus
Effect: Some voters don’t know what to believe
How can the people trust a group known as the Palmetto Truth Project, where no one will identify those who are a part of it? Yet, these “truthers” mock, lie about, and try to intimidate the Freedom Caucus, which openly lists their members and identities.
The tide is indeed turning and people are seeing for themselves all the bluster coming from that bastion of truth. And there are no takers.
I would also add that there are some candidates and incumbents at the national level who should be honorary members of this Palmetto Truth Project, as their rhetoric and endeavors are evenly matched with the ideals (or lack of) the PTP.
Don’t take my word for any of these statements. Others are sharing the same thoughts throughout the Palmetto State.
From March 25, 2023, The Snobs; Government of the powerful, by the powerful!
From April 12, 2023, South Carolina Freedom Caucus Drama: Who Is Targeting Conservative Lawmakers?
From May 28, 2024, Conservatives respond to dark money group “Palmetto Truth Project”
From May 30, 2024, Upstate contest a microcosm of the civil war between Freedom Caucus and majority GOP
If these people claim to uphold the values of the voters so highly, then why do they loot, lie, and obfuscate the truth? There’s not an honest broker among them. This year, all around the country, voters are faced with serious choices and are more determined to make the right decisions regarding elections. There’s only one opportunity to get this right.
South Carolina doesn’t have to be known as the state with the most liberal Republicans in the country. Send them packing. One thing is for sure, when they’re gone, the truth will still be here. Why? They don’t hold it here, so there will be nothing for them to take away!