Shelby, NC – A failure in learning and unacceptable behavior should be the downfall of any institution that fails to adhere to the common laws of decency. One would think that after a college has experienced such a litany of failures and complaints, after the president’s dismissal, along with the hiring of an interim, things would settle down, at least a little. Well, some folks are just dumber than others, and continue to be bullies, and continue to do the same dumb things that have placed them in this position of transition. And some of the trustees are either blind or willfully ignorant. If one would simply look back at the minutes, starting a little more than a year ago, it is very apparent that these trustees have been more or less, aiding and abetting bad behavior at the college. Some of these trustees have born false witnesses (lied) against more than one employee, yet, there they sit, still doing what they’ve been doing since they arrived. There are new faces, and we’re seeing the same old results. It is poetically pathetic, that trustEES cannot be trustED.
Now, to address some of these “hall monitors”. Yes, the adults, and they know who they are, that are behaving like a bunch of tweens, who are jockeying for favor with the big kids. You folks are the “poetically pathetic” in the paragraph above. Come on? Sending out your little gadflies to warn those who would dare disagree with you, and…gasp…tell the truth? Seriously? This was supposed to be a time of learning and coming together. How immature, petty, and downright dumb is it to behave in such a cowardly way? Using one’s position as a means to obtain what some of you call order? Those of you who continue to resort to this bullying and thuggish behavior should resign and aspire to a higher calling. Maybe, like a resident whiner, somewhere out of town.
There are more cards to be played, and they will play out, in the coming weeks. There is a Cleveland County School Board meeting, on Monday, July 24th. and they will select a replacement for June Yarboro. The chatter many have heard claims that former trustee, Allen Langley, is seeking that appointment. Things could get interesting, with more juvenile behavior exposed before all is said and done. Buckle up…you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.