ABDEFG – HIJKLMNO – PC! Yep, that’s the ticket. We have heard the President of ABC News open his mouth and change feet in a day, but it still does not remove the fact that he is an idiot.
This man, David Westin. Apologized today stating that journalists (including himself) should have no opinion regarding whether the terrorist attack on WTC was right or wrong. Say what? Since when did “journalists” not have an opinion? Tell you what, Davey boy, if you implement that plan throughout ALL your newscasts, we may have a deal. But, your sock puppet, little Peter Jennings would hold his breath, turn red in the face, and then you’d have to punish him by making him take a time out and stand in the corner.
You see, little Peter always has an opinion, and he is always degrading our leadership and our country since George W. Bush took over the Oval Office. He seems to indulge in heartfelt bashing of our President. Notice I didn’t say “his” President, because little Peter is not from around these parts. He’s an import, whose time has expired, and frankly, many of us are ready for him to be returned to sender. PJ cannot string a single sentence together, using the name of our President, without tossing in his opinion. So, Mr, Westin, why all of a sudden you guys can’t have an opinion regarding these terrorists? You call them freedom fighters…we call them what they are. You call yourselves journalists…we call you what you are…PC wimps!
Don’t fret, Mr. Westin, you are not alone. All but one of the News Networks follow your lead. I can’t figure out how these so-called “journalist-newscasters” can sit up straight in their chairs. Are these guys strapped in or something? They lean so far to the left, that I can’t understand why they haven’t fallen out of their seats onto the floor.
May I be blunt with you? Mr. Westin? I don’t think you should resign from your job at all. That would require character. Character, you say? Look it up in your “journalist dictionary”. If you check with Mr. Webster, he defines character as moral excellence and firmness.
I know it’s hard for you to comprehend such, Mr. Westin, but after all, you are a lawyer first, right? Another word you might want to learn is integrity: as defined by Mr. Webster, and not Mr. Clinton or Jennings, thusly states:
INCORRUPTIBILITY: an unimpaired condition It also throws in a little touch of honesty as well. Maybe you should take some time off and brush up on these few words here: character, integrity, honesty. Say them over and over again, all day long, even in your sleep. Who knows, it could register one day, but, we’re not expecting miracles here. Just to let you know, Mr. Westin, you didn’t score any points at all with your alleged apology. That dog won’t hunt. We have seen what you are and what you believe, and there’s no way you are convincing the masses of your being sorry about saying what you said.
So, I hope that Disney will can your sorry butt, and just to be a sport, little Peter Jennings as well, because everyone knows that Disney has more than enough cartoon characters on their payroll. Do your part for our country, allow Jennings to go back to Canada…and you go with him!